How Do I know if my Podcast is a Success?

In this week's episode, I'm talking about how do I know if my podcast is a success?

There are many ways in which you can measure the success of your podcast.

Number of Listens

Number of downloads

You can find this information easily within the platform you use to publish your episodes.

You can also go into individual platforms like Apple Podcasts to find out analytics.

It's not just about the numbers.

Think back to why you started your podcast...

Was it simply to have 1000 downloads a week? Or was it to add value to your audience? or to build your authority in your zone of genius?

If you're not happy with the size of your listenership, what can you do to grow it?

Here are a few tips:

Ensure your episode content is something that your ideal listener wants to hear.

Are you promoting it enough? Make sure you have a range of posts and utilise your email list and website so everyone knows about your podcast!

Are you engaging with your listeners? do you reply to comments and thank people for reviews?

Do they know where to leave a review?

Can you offer more support to your listeners like a Facebook group? you could encourage listeners into the group to discuss the episodes, or go live to answer their questions.

Don't be disheartened. It takes time to grow an audience and podcasting is a long game.

Be consistent and committed.

I hope this has helped.

If you'd like to ask any questions, get some advice or just chat podcasts you're more than welcome to book a call!

If you have any questions or would like some help with your podcast, you can book a 30-min Free Session with me.

Can I ask a favour?

If you enjoyed the episode, I'd love it if you could leave me a review.

You can leave one here

Thanks so much!

I'd love to connect with you on social!

You can find me on:

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Want to start a podcast, but not sure where to start? Download my free Podcast Playbook Get clear on your ideas!


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