Repurposing Your Way to Success - How to Extend the Lifespan of Your Content with Hannah McCormick

In this week's episode, I welcome back Hannah McCormick from Showing Up Solo.

We talk about how to repurpose your podcast so that you can get the most possible out of the content you've created.

Hannah shares her Full Circle Content method with us, which is all about breaking down your content into manageable bite-sized chunks to be used across all social media and email marketing platforms.

Some of the social media scheduling platforms we mention in the episode are:

  • Meet Edgar

  • Buffer

  • Later

  • And the gamechanger that is being able to schedule directly in the LinkedIn platform ๐ŸŽ‰

Hannah shares that her favourite site to help with content ideas is

Hannah's final tip is to make sure that when you answer your audience's questions, don't assume they know as much as you.

Break down that explanation fully.

Hannah's Full Circle Content is FREE for you to download! it includes 3 hours of video training. You can get that here.

About Hannah:

Showing Up Solo started as a way to make marketing more accessible to solopreneurs. Along with business bestie, Nicole, I launched our video podcast in January 2022. Now over 30 episodes in, I'm taking it to the next level by offering 1:1 marketing coaching!

If you're an online service provider (or want to be one!) but... you're not sure how to find clients online, don't feel quite ready to hit "publish" on your website or don't have a clue where to begin with making a content plan... I can help! 

My Set Up For Success program covers all the elements of a comprehensive marketing plan and can be taken as one 6-month intensive or broken up into smaller, self-paced chunks. Head to to learn more.

If you have any questions or would like some help with your podcast, you can book a 30-min Free Session with me.

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Want to start a podcast, but not sure where to start? Download my free Podcast Playbook Get clear on your ideas!


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