Native versus Scheduled social media posting: Does it make a difference?
In this week's episode, I'm talking about the results from my experiment to post natively on social media (LinkedIn & Instagram)
You may remember last month when I decided to post natively for 4 weeks to see if there was any difference in my engagement on LinkedIn and Instagram as opposed to scheduling using a 3rd party tool which may offend the Algorithm Gods.
What did I find?
Linkedin [1.00 min]
When comparing October's scheduled posts and November's native posts, there isn't much difference.
I did get more video engagement posting natively, but impressions-wise, the months were very similar.
I have been engaging with the platform much more recently so I think that has a lot to do with it.
Instagram [5.00 min]
The results are a bit mixed!
I've doubled my reach but halved my engagement!
The reach has expanded because I've been posting more stories and reels.
My Take Away [9.27min]
Not forgetting to do that all-important engagement piece. And not just with your current audience, finding new people to genuinely connect with and start building those relationships with.
I personally don't feel that posting natively or scheduling makes a lot of difference!
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